Over the past year, GSP Reps in Saudi Arabia have worked alongside local partner organization, Team Up, and the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah to coordinate and implement a grant project. The “West Saudi Youth Sport Empowerment Initiative” focused on empowerment, leadership training, and the holistic development of Saudi youth and coaches. Through three separate phases, young male and female coaches participated in GSP’s Transformational Coaching workshop and received Level 1 Certification.
The first phase took place over two weekends in February with local male participants from diverse sport backgrounds. The success of the first phase made way for a unique co-ed training and youth camp for Phase II. The inclusive nature of Phase II generated great interest and a positive atmosphere to learn from one another. Diversity and inclusion became core values for the group. In June, the all-female Phase III exhibited the highest level of interest and saw ten women receive their Level 1 certificates.
“We had a great time working with coaches who are all very passionate about their sports. It was exciting to see them learn to see their players in a more holistic way and to put into practice coaching strategies that incorporated character values.” - Rebecca Pack, GSP Representative
American GSP experts were brought in to partner with local reps in the young coaches’ development and introduce new sports including kickball, ultimate frisbee, and pickleball. Each phase included engaging classroom sessions as well as a multi-sport youth camp for coaches to apply their new values and skills. The multi-sport camp split the youth into four teams to learn new sports and practice core values they were being taught. Points could be earned both for athletic excellence and exhibiting good character throughout the camp.
“This program was better than I expected. The training course was different from other training courses in the field of training and sports that focus on the theoretical side only and give theoretical information without a soul, but this course gave me methods to become a different trainee and how to interact with the trainees more as a human being, from giving them information and exercise only.” – Phase II Participant
GSP Reps in Jeddah look forward to seeing the developing coaches apply their skills in various sport fields and perhaps participate in future Level 2 workshops!