In 2023, flag football attracted attention on the global stage with the announcement of its inclusion in the 2028 Summer Olympic Games. Global Sports Partners Tunisia responded to the excitement with the first annual Turkey Bowl in Tunis. The Turkey Bowl was a great day of competition, introduction to the sport of flag football, and family fun, all organized around the American holiday, Thanksgiving.
The 140 participants in the Turkey Bowl were distributed among three age groups, with varying levels: eight teams in the adult category, four teams in the age 12-17 category, and three teams in the age 9-11 category. The winning teams in each category took home first place medals and a team picture with the golden football.
Among the participants were 45 Tunisians who had never played the game before. Each team had the opportunity to play four games throughout the day, building skills and accumulating experience. GSP Tunis coaches led the youth teams from the Tunis area. Two other youth teams traveled in from a city in the south to participate in the Turkey Bowl.
“It was exciting to see so many new players coming out to play, along with bringing together the community of so many friends and families. It was a great way to see the interest level in the sport grow for the future of GSP in Tunisia.” – Global Sports Partners Coach, Emily Evans.
Off the field, the community came together in a beautiful way, as the teams were supported by more than 100 spectators. A concessions fundraiser was set up for a local school and another local vendor came in to sell sandwiches.
Global Sports Partners Tunis looks forward to seeing growth of flag football as they plan toward the 2024 edition of the Turkey Bowl and other events leading up to the 2028 Summer Olympics.