Earlier this month, Global Sports Partners welcomed 10 basketball coaches to Dallas, Texas, for the 4th annual International Basketball Coaches Experience (IBCE). The attending coaches represented the countries of Brazil (3), China (5), Jordan (1), and Mongolia (1). Coaches enjoyed two days of basketball clinics and instruction, one day of cultural experiences, and attendance at the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Convention and a college all-star game.
Basketball instruction at IBCE included sessions such as "Lessons from a Pro," "Effective Practice Planning," "Innovating Offense," and "Dominating Defense." GSP was able to bring four experts to this year's IBCE: Mr. Del Harris, an NBA and Olympic coach; Mr. Ed Schilling, currently an assistant coach at UCLA; Mr. Rick Torbett, creator of the 'Read and React' offense and Better Basketball company; and Mr. Alan Lambert, author of Be Like Coach.
Mr Del Harris and an IBCE attendee.
While at the NABC, coaches were able to participate in a variety events: the NABC Marketplace, opening reception and awards breakfast, and the Reese's College All-Star game held at Cowboy's Stadium in Arlington, TX. GSP would like to thank the many participants, presenters, and volunteers who helped make IBCE 2014 a success!
IBCE 2015 will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, during the first week of April.