“This camp was done so professionally that I want to make sure my child attends next year” - Parent of participant
For 6 days in late July and early August, Global Sports Partners hosted the Bulova China Soccer Camp on the campus of the Beijing Institute of Technology. More than 100 camp participants, ages 8-14, enjoyed high level soccer instruction and fun games meant to teach the value of sports in an individual's life. Parents of all participants were invited to attend the camp's closing ceremony, and over 100 parents came to see their child honored at the end of camp.
Brazilian soccer expert Lamartine Silva was the Head Camp Clinician, and was assisted throughout the week by twelve local coaches and other local volunteers. GSP President Steve DeVoss was in attendance and GSP China Representative Rodney Young served as the Managing Director for the camp. Participants, parents, and coaches immensely enjoyed the camps activities: parachute training, skill development, and competition games. Roughly 25% of the camp participants currently play soccer in informal settings such at school or with friends. The other participants are new to the game and have not played much before. For most participants, this camp was their first exposure to ‘professional’ coaching.
To recruit camp participants, advertisement cards were given to teachers in local primary and middle schools and interested students then registered on the camp website. GSP also partnered with the Champion Foundation, an organization offering education and sports opportunities Dongcheng District of Beijing (near the Temple of Heaven). Camp participants came from the Haidian, Chaoyang, and Dongcheng districts of Beijing. Camp volunteers and coaches were located in part through Beijing’s sport and physical education universities.
In quotes:
“My child woke me up early this morning than usual wanting to make sure he was not
going to be late for the camp.” - Parent of participant
“I’ve never seen my child have so much enthusiasm for learning a new activity.” - Another parent of participant
“We’ve not seen this level of training provided to such young athletes in our area before. We definitely would like to have you back again next year.” - Official at the Beijing University of Technology
"Students and parents alike believed the camp had a great impact on them physically and mentally. They also learned life values associated with sport participation. Parents said they had never seen sports training and learning life values integrated into an overall impactful experience. They want more of the same for their child.” - GSP China Representative, Managing Director of the camp
Camp Summary
Camp Dates: July 28—August 2, 2014
Camp Location: Beijing Institute of Technology
Camp Participants: 109 local Chinese students ages 8-14
Average daily attendance: 106 participants
Camp Staff: 24 local soccer coaches and volunteers
Parents attending closing ceremony: 120+