On September 29th, Global Sports Partners representatives joined India’s Aseem Foundation to administer the Foundation’s monthly Abhilasha Session. The topic of September’s discussion was “Careers In Sports”, and specifically how and why youth in India should pursue a career in the world of sport.
The webinar was delivered live via video conference call to 200 students from five schools and a youth group from India’s border regions. The main question that encompassed the discussion was: How do we channel a passion for sports into a viable career? This question was discussed passionately by the members of the panel and met with great energy from the students.
GSP’s Director of Strategic Partnerships joined the call to talk about Sports For Healthy Living, while our two GSP India representatives provided an overview of sample sports careers and the many, growing opportunities for women in the sports world. Other webinar contributors included: Mr. Suheil F. Tandon, Director and Founder of Pro Sport Development, Mr. Sunandan Lele, sports journalist, and Ms. Niruta Killedar, Aseem's Abhilasha Session Coordinator.
Global Sports Partners is very thankful for the wonderful opportunity to speak to so many youth about the exciting possibilities for their future. Through our strategic partnerships, we will continue to seek ways to positively influence the people of India through sport!