At the invitation of the Bursa Görükle Youth & Sports Club, Global Sports Partners facilitated a 3-day baseball camp in July for youth, ages 10-15. GSP representatives and our American baseball experts administered the for 20 players and three local baseball coaches.
Practicing proper baseball fundamentals was the core focus of our camp. Our coaching experts implemented a methodical approach to skill development. This approach paid huge dividends throughout each of the three days. Each mechanic was clearly explained and broken down into smaller, progressive steps to ensure understanding of proper motion and to develop correct, repeatable, and fundamentally sound actions. Once these steps were broken down, players understood the importance of practicing correct form and were greatly impressed by the difference in their results. Batting, fielding, catching, pitching, baserunning, and throwing with strength and accuracy became so much easier. In turn, the local coaches saw the benefits of taking the time to teach the methods of each fundamental skill with precision. The local coaches raved about the benefits of the skill breakdown, saying, “We need to practice these fundamentals so we can teach and demonstrate them to the rest of our players!”
Not only did the youth and coaches learn a lot about the fundamentals of baseball, but they also learned valuable lessons regarding life and character; always work hard and give your best effort, encourage one another, and be always be mentally engaged. This is a very important element of Global Sports Partners, as we seek to inspire purpose in youth and adults by building character and leadership skills from the values learned through sport.
Camp ended with an 80-minute coach pitch scrimmage that brought together all of the elements learned in camp. Players got the opportunity to practice their newly acquired, fundamentally sound skills in a game-like atmosphere, local coaches were able to teach, correct, and guide the players in the correct way, and GSP staff and experts focused on skill and character development for each individual.
Our Fundamental Baseball Skill Camp in Bursa was full of fun and it was obvious to everyone that much was learned in our three days with the players and coaches. As we look to the future of our role in baseball development in Turkey, GSP looks forward to continuing our relationship with our local partners in Bursa.
We are excited about the future of baseball development here and want to make you aware of one of the ways GSP is taking the next step. We love facilitating and implementing baseball and softball camps and will to continue to do so. However, there is a new opportunity on the horizon! Global Sports Partners is currently in the planning stages of introducing the Bursa Cup, a youth developmental competition for baseball and softball. We are planning two baseball divisions for youth ages 10-12 and 13-15 as well as two softball divisions for youth ages 11-13 and 14-16. Stay tuned as more information becomes available in the days ahead. We can’t wait to see what’s next for us in Turkey!