GSP and Final Sport Club Lead Youth Basketball Camp in Bursa, Turkey

At the invitation from Final Youth & Sport Club, Global Sports Partners spent the last weekend of July 2019 leading a 3-day basketball player development camp for Final’s U16 and U12 teams in Bursa, Turkey.  GSP experts administered the development camp for 35 of Final’s players.  GSP is thankful that several Final coaches served alongside our experts coaches throughout the camp. 

Program sessions emphasized fundamental basketball skills, shooting fundamentals, strength and conditioning exercises, and leadership topics such as communication, respect, teamwork, and conflict resolution.

GSP experts lead the players through drills to improve their abilities in the following areas: body balance, ball handling, driving, finishing, passing, shooting, boxing out, movement without the ball, defensive positioning, individual defense, rebounding, pick & roll, footwork, agility, proprioception as well as strength and conditioning.

Both age groups worked hard and gave 100% in their efforts over the length of the camp.  GSP is thankful to the opportunity to work alongside Final to help develop their players in skill and as a upright person in their community.

GSP is excited to have a part in basketball development in Turkey, and we look forward to future player development camps to both improve performance and increase participation in basketball.

GSP will continue to seek to develop and deepen partnerships with both amateur and professional clubs in Turkey, as we remain committed to seeing the sport of basketball strengthened at all levels of play throughout Turkey.

GSP Malaysia leads "Toss It, Throw It, Fun Day!"

On March 7, 2019, in partnership with the Foundation for People with Disabilities of Kelantan (YOKUK), Malaysia, GSP Representative Nathan Scott led a fun sports day for the organization's vocational students and other clients.

The Fun Day was built around the sport of Ultimate Frisbee and the character values that we learn from sport. Participants learned how to throw and catch frisbees, do relays, try new activities, and ended with a fun water balloon toss, which resulted in an all out water balloon frenzy! Each participant received a certificate after the program's completion.

Twenty students and fifteen staff / caretakers at YOKUK participated in the Fun Day. Three players from a local university’s ultimate frisbee team made the day even more special for the students.

The students, caretakers, and staff said that the day was just as intended — fun! Some said it using words, others said it by enjoying themselves playing the many games and activities! The staff expressed that the event was well organized and they were very thankful.

Project Director Nathan Scott said,

“It was a great experience to work with local community directors in promoting quality health initiatives. We were able to inspire the participants, staff, and caretakers to learn new activities and games that they can use at home. It was also neat to see how the university volunteers got involved, learned from the experience, and were so positive about investing their time.

For more information about how GSP serves the communities where we work, visit SportForward, our corporate social responsibility initiative.

GSP Opens the Argentinian Football Academy in Muscat, Oman

On February 24, GSP Oman launched the Argentinian Football Academy in Muscat, under the leadership of Technical Director and Head Coach Gonzalo Galdame. Enrollment grew from 14 athletes ages 6 to 13 years old in the first month to 24 athletes in the second month.

The athletes parents have been extremely satisfied with the quality of coaching and the level of instruction, thanking Coach Gonzalo for the professionalism of the Academy. After organizing a father / son friendly match, one father described his joy at playing this first ever organized game with his son, saying it was “a date to remember!”

Coach Gonzalo says, “I am very happy to see the satisfaction en the parents and the children. This has been a success from all points of view and we have accomplished our objectives. I am looking forward to next season.”

After a summer break, the Argentinian Football Academy will launch it's first full season of training in September 2019. Follow GSP Oman’s Facebook page for updates.

Aseem Foundation Selects GSP India to Deliver Webinar

On September 29th, Global Sports Partners representatives joined India’s Aseem Foundation to administer the Foundation’s monthly Abhilasha Session. The topic of September’s discussion was “Careers In Sports”, and specifically how and why youth in India should pursue a career in the world of sport.

The webinar was delivered live via video conference call to 200 students from five schools and a youth group from India’s border regions. The main question that encompassed the discussion was: How do we channel a passion for sports into a viable career? This question was discussed passionately by the members of the panel and met with great energy from the students.

GSP’s Director of Strategic Partnerships joined the call to talk about Sports For Healthy Living, while our two GSP India representatives provided an overview of sample sports careers and the many, growing opportunities for women in the sports world. Other webinar contributors included: Mr. Suheil F. Tandon, Director and Founder of Pro Sport Development, Mr. Sunandan Lele, sports journalist, and Ms. Niruta Killedar, Aseem's Abhilasha Session Coordinator.

Global Sports Partners is very thankful for the wonderful opportunity to speak to so many youth about the exciting possibilities for their future. Through our strategic partnerships, we will continue to seek ways to positively influence the people of India through sport!

Bursa Baseball Fundamental Skills Camp

At the invitation of the Bursa Görükle Youth & Sports Club, Global Sports Partners facilitated a 3-day baseball camp in July for youth, ages 10-15. GSP representatives and our American baseball experts administered the for 20 players and three local baseball coaches.

Practicing proper baseball fundamentals was the core focus of our camp. Our coaching experts implemented a methodical approach to skill development. This approach paid huge dividends throughout each of the three days. Each mechanic was clearly explained and broken down into smaller, progressive steps to ensure understanding of proper motion and to develop correct, repeatable, and fundamentally sound actions. Once these steps were broken down, players understood the importance of practicing correct form and were greatly impressed by the difference in their results. Batting, fielding, catching, pitching, baserunning, and throwing with strength and accuracy became so much easier. In turn, the local coaches saw the benefits of taking the time to teach the methods of each fundamental skill with precision. The local coaches raved about the benefits of the skill breakdown, saying, “We need to practice these fundamentals so we can teach and demonstrate them to the rest of our players!”

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Not only did the youth and coaches learn a lot about the fundamentals of baseball, but they also learned valuable lessons regarding life and character; always work hard and give your best effort, encourage one another, and be always be mentally engaged. This is a very important element of Global Sports Partners, as we seek to inspire purpose in youth and adults by building character and leadership skills from the values learned through sport. 

Camp ended with an 80-minute coach pitch scrimmage that brought together all of the elements learned in camp. Players got the opportunity to practice their newly acquired, fundamentally sound skills in a game-like atmosphere, local coaches were able to teach, correct, and guide the players in the correct way, and GSP staff and experts focused on skill and character development for each individual.

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Our Fundamental Baseball Skill Camp in Bursa was full of fun and it was obvious to everyone that much was learned in our three days with the players and coaches. As we look to the future of our role in baseball development in Turkey, GSP looks forward to continuing our relationship with our local partners in Bursa.

We are excited about the future of baseball development here and want to make you aware of one of the ways GSP is taking the next step. We love facilitating and implementing baseball and softball camps and will to continue to do so. However, there is a new opportunity on the horizon! Global Sports Partners is currently in the planning stages of introducing the Bursa Cup, a youth developmental competition for baseball and softball. We are planning two baseball divisions for youth ages 10-12 and 13-15 as well as two softball divisions for youth ages 11-13 and 14-16. Stay tuned as more information becomes available in the days ahead. We can’t wait to see what’s next for us in Turkey!

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GSP Turkey: American Football Clinic in Bandirma

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At the invitation of the Bandirma Jets Amerikan Futbol Takımı and Bandirma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi, Global Sports Partners spent the last weekend of June leading an American Football development clinic in Bandirma, Turkey. Project staff included two current NCAA Division I college football players, seven American football coaching experts with over 100 years of combined football coaching experience, a former NFL player and Super Bowl Champion who is currently an NCAA power-five conference (Atlantic Coast Conference) referee, three GSP Turkey representatives, and several Turkish American football coaches from the local area.

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We were thrilled to instruct more than 100 athletes over the course of the weekend, including 32 youth players aged 15-18. This number is particularly important to GSP as we work to build a strong foundation for the future of American football in Turkey. The players’ clinic was open to players of all ages and skillsets and involved participants as young as 15 who experienced the sport for the first time, university students who play recreationally, and men who currently play in the professional Turkish American Football League. In addition to the players, we were thrilled by the number of local American football coaches who came to participate in the camp as well. Having these coaches in attendance was a positive aspect of this project, as they possess the ability and influence to continue mentoring and developing athletes while growing the sport throughout the country.

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The project began on the campus of Bandirma Onyedi Eylül Üniversite. Local coaches, players, and university officials gathered in the university auditorium for an introduction with the American coaches and athletes. The introductory meeting set the course for camp, informed the participants of what to expect, and included a question and answer segment for the local players. Attendees were deeply engaged, asking questions regarding playing careers, dialoguing about opportunities to advance and improve, and seeking insight on how to best recover from injuries. After the meeting ended, all players and coaches were shuttled to the practice facility for the beginning of the skills section of the clinic.

The first day of camp included warm-ups, stretching exercises, and conditioning as coaches focused on the proper technique of how to prepare for practice mentally and physically. Players were then divided into groups according to their positions for specific training and individual skill development.

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Day two began exactly how day one ended with players quickly moving to position specific groups to work on skill advancement. Each position group was led by at least one American coach, while most groups had multiple coaches working alongside the players. After the morning session, players and coaches returned to the hotel where they were greeted by the President of the American Football Federation of Turkey.  Players were then given an updated synopsis and clarification of newly enacted NCAA football rules for the 2018 season, as well as education on some of the most important rules for safety- like proper tackling and targeting. This presentation came from Mike Morton, a former NFL linebacker and current ACC referee. After Morton’s presentation, players returned to the playing field for full contact drills and scrimmages.

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The final day of camp was full of energy, excitement, and passionate competition. The clinic began with a simulated scrimmage, as players had the opportunity to practice their new skills against each other and play in a game-like atmosphere. In the final segment of our clinic, each position group participated in agility, speed, and strength competitions to determine who was the quickest, fastest, and strongest athletes in camp. Players were awarded points based on how they performed in each competition with one athlete from each position group winning a grand prize for a first-place finish.

As we reflect on another outstanding American football camp with the Bandirma Jets, Global Sports Partners is once again grateful for its partnership with the team and filled with even more excitement for the future of the sport in Turkey. Everyone who attended the camp came away with anticipation for what is in store for the growth of American football. There was a buzz around camp that did not stop at its conclusion, and we can’t wait to be a part of what’s next!

As we witness the sport gain popularity, GSP plans to continue to do its part in training and educating players, coaches, officials, and local sport leaders. It is our passion to see the practice, growth, and development of sport throughout the world as it inspires purpose for all.

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Tunisian U18 Girls' NT Basketball Camp and Coaching Clinic

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Global Sports Partners recently partnered with La Fédération Tunisienne de Basket Ball (Tunisia Basketball Federation) for a one-week basketball training project in Tunis. This project spanned from Sunday, June 24 to Saturday, June 30 and had two simultaneous facets: a seven-day U18 girls' national team basketball camp and a two-day women's basketball coaching clinic. GSP Tunis brought in two basketball coaching experts from the United States to lead the players' camp and administrate the coaching clinic. 

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The Tunisia Basketball Federation selected 16 girls from multiple club teams to form the Women's National Cadet Team or U18 National Team, who participated in the player development camp. Each day of camp was split into three sessions: a two-hour morning practice, a classroom session about the philosophy and mentality of the game, and a two-hour afternoon practice. Throughout the course of the week, practice sessions were focused both on individual talented development and team-oriented training with the goal of growing well-rounded, multi-skilled players.

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Ten local women's team coaches took part in the two-day clinic, administered by GSP's coaching experts. Coaches were trained to communicate, teach, and develop their players by the most effective methods. Additionally, the participating coaches underwent technical and tactical training, learning how to become better practitioners and in-game strategists. 

Players and coaches had a wonderful response to the camp and clinic, glowing about how much each of them learned and improved, and expressing their appreciation for the expertise. This project was a tremendous success for our experts and local representatives, and we are thankful for everyone who came together to make it possible.

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"Both camps with Global Sports Partners have been great. The Tunisia Basketball Federation hopes to continue this relationship. Coaches and players have all given good feedback from their experiences with the camps and clinics." - Mr. Mohammed Toumi, Technical Director of Tunisia Basketball Federation

Global Sports Partners and the Tunisian Basketball Federation will continue in our professional partnership, as we remain committed to seeing the sport of basketball strengthened at all levels of play throughout Tunisia. GSP Tunis looks forward to conducting more training camps and clinics in the months ahead!

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During the final week of May, Global Sports Partners’ personnel from around the world came together in Bobbio Pellice, Italy for the 2018 GSP SYNCHRO Conference. More than 80 employees, representatives, and strategic partners gathered together for the biennial, one-week event to receive direction regarding company standardization, strategy development, and professional training. Led by business professionals, the conference also included valuable workshops that provided key insights into personal and professional development. A few of the topics covered in these workshops included: Developing and Delivering Proposals, Social Media Marketing, Identifying Social Styles, Disruptive Insights, and Business Strategy.

In addition to the plenary sessions and workshops, GSP personnel enjoyed a variety of extracurricular activities: basketball, football, and ultimate games, table tennis matches in the evenings, tours of Bobbio Pellice, hikes in the beautiful Italian Alps, and local adventures to enjoy delicious local pizza and gelato (a company favorite).

SYNCHRO 2018 was an outstanding conference and will serve as a catalyst for our company for the years ahead. Rejuvenated by this week together, GSP personnel now return to their respective regions to continue in their roles as professional sports consultants and business people. Equipped with effective tools and deeper education, we seek to collaboratively increase sport participation and practice, improve athletic and administrative performance, and inspire purpose through sport to women, men, girls, and boys all around the world!

GSP India Leads Player Development Camp in Chennai

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In partnership with D&J Sports and Skill Developers, Vision Sports, and MCC Higher Secondary School, Global Sports Partners brought five American basketball and football coaching experts to Chennai for a two-week Player Development Camp last month.

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More than 150 athletes attended the camp, which took place from April 16-28. Camp was divided into two main sessions. The morning sessions focused on basketball training and began every day at 6:30 AM, while the football training sessions took place every evening at 4:30 PM.

The early start did not intimidate campers or coaches, as each day was infused with high-energy and excitement. From passing fundamentals to competitive drills, team-building games to mini-tournaments, the youth strengthened their skills, grew in confidence, and reflected on the unique life lessons that we learn through sport. 

GSP believes that player development does not only occur on the playing field or court, but off of it as well. Character development was one of the main themes of camp. One morning before the camp day began, Coach Scott, our American basketball coaching expert, shared with the group encouraged the athletes, "You can't always control what you face in life, but you can always control how you face it." We are thankful that this important message resonated throughout camp.

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Upon completion of the camp, GSP coaches awarded each athlete a certificate of participation. Athletes and parents were thrilled with the outcome of the two weeks, and made their thankfulness and anticipation for more camps known throughout the two weeks, at the end of the closing ceremony, and even across social media. GSP joins them in their eagerness and excitement for what is to come for us in India in the coming year. It was truly an honor to play a part in strengthening sports programs across this great country.

To keep up with our involvement in India, follow GSP India on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @IndiaGSP! You can also find us on Facebook by searching "Global Sports Partners India". Check out the hashtag #Sports4IncredibleIndia across all platforms to see what's next!

Take a look at our Chennai Sport Development Camp Wrap-Up Video:

GSP Tunis Launches Youth Baseball Leagues


April 7th marked the beginning of two baseball leagues for children and youth in Tunis, Tunisia. Players, coaches, and parents met on the rugby grounds of the historic Stade d'El Menzah in northern Tunis to open the inaugural seasons of T-Ball and Coach Pitch on a beautiful Saturday morning. The first day of the season was filled with an exciting mix of teaching and fun, as players learned the proper guidelines and fundamentals of the sport and enjoyed the spirit of competition.


The T-Ball league is made up of children aged 5-7, while Coach Pitch features youth aged 8-10. GSP Tunis created these leagues, accomplishing one of Global Sports Partners' core objectives: to increase participation in youth sports across the globe, giving new opportunities and experiences while discovering and developing talent. Because there is currently very little local opportunity to learn the game at a young age, much of the focus of the inaugural season will be on instruction and training, providing a strong knowledge base of the game for the betterment of the future of Tunisian baseball. The season schedule will continue inside Stade d'El Menzah every Saturday through May 27th.


Global Sports Partners values the construction, development, and expansion of these leagues. We continue in our commitment to increase participation and provide opportunity for youth and children all over the world. Global Sports Partners and GSP Tunis are planning even more involvement in Tunisian baseball and greatly anticipate the opportunities to come! In the meantime, we are looking forward to a fantastic opening season! 

Baseball and Softball Camps in Bursa


At the invitation of the Bursa Baseball and Softball Clubs Association, Global Sports Partners spent the end of last month leading a baseball and softball camp and coaches’ clinic in Bursa, Turkey. Project staff included three American softball experts, two American baseball experts, five GSP Turkey representatives, and two GSP International Office staff. The coaches’ clinic took place in the conference center of the Best Hotel in Bursa, while Hamitler Toki High School hosted the players’ camp.


The project started with a day-long coaches’ clinic on 20 March. Coaches, umpires, and league officials met in the conference room of the Best Hotel in Bursa for a comprehensive presentation of the unique guidelines, rules, and basic strategy for baseball and softball. Our experts led the presentation, which was conducted in a classroom setting with demonstrations throughout. The clinic’s content covered a plethora of information from the fundamentals of hitting, pitching, and fielding to in-depth breakdowns of special scenarios in each respective sport.


Attendees were deeply engaged, writing extensive notes and asking questions regarding specific events that had taken place throughout the course of local games. An emphasis throughout the clinic was the importance of developing character in youth through sport. At the end of the clinic, coaches, umpires, and league officials learned specific ways to instruct and encourage youth players while promoting and transferring essential character values that will help on and off the field.

All attending coaches were then invited to the weekend players’ camp, which took place on the 21st and 22nd. This provided the local coaches with the opportunity to utilize their education in a practical setting and gain even more knowledge and experience. The players’ camp was prepared for youth boys and girls aged 9-18, with all campers participating in both baseball and softball.


Camp was divided by age, with youth aged 9-16 in one group and all other campers and coaches in another. The camp schedule was split into two main sessions, with the morning session running from 9:00AM to 12:00PM and the afternoon session running from 1:00PM to 6:00PM. The groups alternated sports between the two sessions each day and alternated daily schedules so that each group received an equal amount of instruction and training in both baseball and softball. These sessions were fast-paced and full of exciting games, drills, and team-oriented competitions. At the end of camp, each group participated in a scrimmage match in each sport. The scrimmages were certainly a thrilling highlight of the camp, and provided coaches, officials, and players with a better understanding of the rules and flow of the games.


We were thrilled to instruct over 50 campers over the course of the weekend, including 28 youth players aged 9-16. This number was particularly important to us as we work to build a strong foundation for future talent in Turkey. A group of local partners also joined the camps to observe and learn more about facilitating camps. These included a Sports Director of a major district in Bursa, a Sports Director of a Rugby, Baseball, and Softball club, and the President of an American Football club in a nearby city. Having these local sport leaders in attendance was another positive aspect of this project, as these connections generated future projects among other sports in Bursa, Bandirma, and Istanbul.


Both the clinic and the camp were highly successful, and the entire project generated much excitement and anticipation from the Association about the future of Turkish baseball and softball. There is already a follow-up player development camp for both sports scheduled for the end of July of this year. GSP is eager to continue its work in Turkey and witness the growth of baseball and softball players, coaches, officials, and facilities throughout the country. Exciting things are on the way for GSP in 2018 and beyond, and we can’t wait to get to work again!


Sport Sponsorship Webinar in Amman

Jordanian sports businessmen gathered yesterday at the Ayass Hotel in Amman for GSP's first Sport Sponsorship Webinar Workshop. GSP Representative, Nicolas Corso, coordinated and facilitated the event, while Dr. Darin White presented as our featured keynote speaker.

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The webinar workshop focused on educating local sport entity leaders about the importance of sponsorship, its dual-supporting benefits for both sport entities and sponsor companies, and how sponsorship can be utilized to strengthen the sports culture in Jordan. Dr. White shared a comprehensive presentation, acknowledging sponsorship's vital role in the global sports industry and introducing tactical strategies to generate sponsorship revenue. Participants examined a case study from Dr. White, which allowed them to critically think through both sides of the sponsor relationship- the entity's needs and desires and those of the prospective sponsor. 

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After more presentation time, the workshop closed with Nicolas Corso giving a quick overview and insight into GSP's recently developed Sport Sponsorship Plan, which acts as a step-by-step guide for sport entities who are wanting to secure sponsorship relationships. Workshop attendees were able to get a first look preview of this product, which GSP has now brought to market, making it available for sale at the conclusion of the event.

Surveys were given before and at the conclusion of the workshop, helping entity leaders better understand where they currently stand in regards to sponsorship, and how they may be able to best utilize it to meet their needs. Participants came away thankful for all of the valuable knowledge they were able to attain in just a few hours.

Our first Sport Sponsorship Webinar Workshop was a great success, and it was rewarding to witness months of hard work, planning, and preparation come together to create a positive experience. Through events like this and its strategic daily work in-country, GSP remains committed to strengthening the sports culture throughout Jordan. We can't wait to see what's next!

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GSP Rep Shines in Season Finale

GSP representative, Thiago Baria, helped lead AEL Limasssol to a 6-2 victory Monday night in the final match of the Cypriot Futsal First Division regular season schedule. In just his second match as a professional futsal player, Baria was responsible for four of his team's six goals, assisting on three scores and netting one of his own. Baria played professional football in Brazil for several seasons prior to coming to Cyprus and has worked hard to transition his skills to the futsal pitch. GSP congratulates Thiago on his outstanding performance and looks forward to cheering him on in the first round of the playoffs Thursday evening! Vamos número cinco!


Women's PE Training and Youth Girls' Multi-Sport Camp in Oman

In partnership with the Oman Ministry of Sport Affairs, represented by Saada Al-Ismaili, the Director of Women's Activities, Global Sports Partners brought three American female coaching experts to Muscat to conduct a Physical Education training course and a youth girls' multi-sport camp. These two events took place over the course of one week in late October of 2017.

The GSP team arrived on Thursday, October 19th and conducted the Physical Education training course over the weekend at Al Amal Club. A total of eight female Omani PE teachers and coaches participated in the course, which was administered using our Train-the-Trainers approach. A classroom setting was used for the theoretical training sessions, while the practical, hands-on training took place in the club's indoor sports hall.


The lectures included an introduction to the sports of ultimate Frisbee and volleyball. These sports are not very well known in the area, so a natural goal and vision of the GSP team is to see these sports included in future curriculum for Omani PE teachers. Another goal of the training event was to strengthen the knowledge of existing sports within their programs, such as football and basketball. Finally, the PE teachers and coaches were trained to be assistants for the youth girls' multi-sports camp, and given their specific assignments and roles. 

Each attendee was awarded a T-shirt and a certificate for their participation in the two-day training course.

The youth girls' multi-sport camp ran from October 21st until the 26th at the As Seeb International School. The GSP team along with the female PE trainees explained the rules and taught the basic instructions for four sports- basketball, football, ultimate Frisbee, and volleyball. The girls were much more familiar with basketball and football, but were eager to learn about two new sports. Additionally, the best practices of nutrition and fitness were shared with the youth, who were greatly encouraged by our team to apply these principles for a healthy lifestyle.

Our coaching experts also provided fundamental skill exercises for each sport through exciting drills and games. Each of the six days were filled with high energy and fun, as the girls worked on understanding the rules and fundamentals of volleyball and ultimate Frisbee, and sharpened their basketball and football skills. Our coaches and assistants did a fantastic job of creating and maintaining a positive environment throughout camp the entire week. Everyone involved had a great time!


Finally, GSP recognizes that sport not only impacts physical ability and health, but is naturally transferable to real-life situations and provides a platform to impact people and communities. Therefore, teaching positive attitudes and ethical behaviors is a vital aspect of every project we conduct.

Both in the Train-the-Trainers Course and the Youth Girls’ Multi-Sport Camp, sessions were devoted to character and leadership development.  Within the Train-the-Trainers course, these sessions were focused on the development of these values in the students and athletes that the PE teachers coach and teach. Teaching and developing these positive values were then modeled during the camp. The focused topics included teamwork, communication, sportsmanship, and responsibility. 

GSP is very appreciative of the Oman Ministry of Sport Affairs, Ms. Saada Al-Ismaili, and everyone involved who made this week such an enjoyable and beneficial experience. The Physical Education trainees were overwhelmingly positive, indicating that they enjoyed and learned helpful information and values that will help them teach and coach students more effectively. Similarly, the youth girls communicated that they greatly enjoyed the multi-sport camp and they are looking forward to continuing to learn and regularly participate in sport.


GSP Lebanon: Camp Hope

GSP Lebanon and SportForward (a GSP Corporate Social Responsibility initiative) hosted a series of teambuilding and sports camps from 2-7 October 2017 in Beirut. The program was titled "Camp Hope," as our camps were built upon the main themes of hope and identity for local refugee children. There were three separate two-day camps that took place throughout the week, each with an attendance goal of 100 refugee children. The camps had a 3-hour activity schedule from 6:00 to 9:00 PM every evening.

We brought together a team of volunteers from several countries to facilitate the camps, including five from Egypt, five from Cyprus, four from the United States, and one from Hong Kong, as well as numerous local volunteers. Altogether, there were around 25 to 30 volunteers present at the camps every day. We were very excited and thankful to have so many people from all over the world share in our passion for this program and their willingness to help make the camps successful. 

On the first day of each camp, the kids were received, divided into groups, and given a camp T-shirt. For the first hour, they worked together within their groups on games that focused on teamwork, critical thinking, and strategies. Some of these games were easy, while others were quite challenging and proved the importance of problem solving tactics and clear communication within the group. The goal for each group was to finish all of the games within the allotted hour.


The camp facilitators then gathered with each group to discuss the challenges and issues they faced within the exercise. This was a very important time during camp, as campers began to talk about what they learned from the opening session, how it applied to their life experiences, and the themes of camp.

The rest of the time was spent on sport teaching and training- basketball and football. Each group was either sent to the court or the field to practice and learn more about that particular sport. The campers were encouraged to continue to think about the team-building activities that took place earlier and how they may apply to the sport they were practicing. Campers performed drills and played mini-games the first day to teach and develop skills. At the end of this time, the facilitators once again had a team discussion time. 

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Day 2 followed the same model, with a focus more toward team competition. Each team got to put into practice what they had learned and talked about throughout camp, as they worked together in team drills and games. Campers even got to participate in extended scrimmages at the end of the second activity time. After this was done, all of camp gathered together for a small closing ceremony. During the ceremony, ten champions were individually recognized and awarded a trophy for their efforts during camp. Candy and prizes were given out to one outstanding camper from each group. Every child that participated in Camp Hope was given a camp-specific medal and a sticker. The children were thrilled to be recognized in this way during the ceremony.

Over the course of the week, there were a total of 339 campers. We were excited to meet and eclipse our attendance goal. We were even prouder of what was shared with us from our volunteers and facilitators in our debriefing session. The children were ecstatic to be a part of the camp and through all of our interactions with them, we could tell that they really connected to what matters most- their identity and the hope that they possess. GSP and SportForward are extremely grateful that we were able to use sports to connect with these children and this community through sport and Camp Hope.


American Football Camp in Bandirma

This summer, Global Sports Partners partnered with the Bandirma Jets American Football Club to organize and implement an American football skills development camp, from June 30th to July 2nd. GSP Turkey representatives, Brad Mayes and Mark Rexroth, coordinated the camp and were in attendance throughout the three-day event. Seven American football experts from the United States joined them, as well as five local coaches, including Turkey’s American Football national team coach. Collectively, this 12-man staff facilitated the camp in its entirety.

Although the popularity of American football is rapidly growing throughout Turkey, it is still relatively new to the region. Because of this, GSP’s camp was strategically focused on building the general fundamentals of the sport, and included position-specific training as well as train-the-trainers sessions. The goal of the camp was to raise the skill and knowledge levels of the local players and coaches.

The camp was met with tremendous excitement, as over 170 local men participated, including 150 players. Though most of the participants were 18 to 30-year-old players, the age range spanned from 10 to 50, which allowed experts and coaches to teach all levels of the sport from those with coaching experience to the future generation of national team players.

This event was a fantastic experience for all involved, and had many encouraging outcomes. Among these were an increased support for club teams from local community officials, the development of the relationships between players and coaches, and an enjoyable bond between the American and Turkish coaches.

Camp assessments were overwhelmingly positive from participants and administrators alike. Attendees left excited about the future of American football in the area, and very thankful for the opportunity to partner with GSP and its experts. Specifically, the camp received highest praise from the Turkish national team coach, who described the event as “the best American football camp in Turkey in the last 17 years.”

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GSP Update on KSA

The last few months have been quite involved for GSP’s basketball development work in Saudi Arabia. Coach Deb led her local team on an exhibition tour to Paris, competing in friendly games against a local French team. Coach Deb’s team played extremely well and were victorious in their matches.

Coach Bradley has continued his work with a U-12 team. They recently competed in a local tournament, which consisted of six teams. To our knowledge, this was the first time that a girls' basketball tournament has been organized in the city, demonstrating a progressive outlook for female sports. Coach Bradley’s U-12 team competed admirably, finishing in second place, losing only the championship game. 

GSP is excited to have a part in basketball development in Saudi Arabia, and we look forward to future tournaments to both improve performance and increase participation in girls' basketball.

Despite Frustrating Finals Loss, GSP Coach Resolves to Coach Again Next Year

GSP Representative and licensed Argentine Football Association coach Gonzalo led a team to the final match, in a tournament which is organized annually by the Bangladesh community in Muscat. 

The tournament is made up of two phases. The first phase includes four groups with three teams in each group, along with a second phase made up of the best eight teams from the group phase. These 8 teams competed in elimination play, with a quarter-final, semi-final, and final game.

According to Coach Gonzalo, his team made the final game due to their high level of play. Unfortunately, however, they were unable to come away victorious. During the second half, with the game tied at 0-0, the referee awarded the opposing team with a penalty kick. Upset with the call, Gonzalo’s team interrupted play to ask the tournament authorities to cancel the referee’s decision.

The authorities ruled to let the play to stand, and because of this, the players responded by leaving the game. Although Coach Gonzalo pleaded with his team not to do so, they stated that they “could not allow the opposing team to ‘steal’ the championship”.

Despite this unfortunate scenario, the Bangladesh team asked Gonzalo to be their coach again in the next tournament. He accepted on the condition that the team compete until the very end of every match. Gonzalo stated, “If the team does well, God will bring them justice, and they have accepted that.” Gonzalo will look to guide his team to another finals appearance in the next Bangladesh community tournament.